Articles by Aiden

“Class Struggle” Has a New Meaning in ‘Parent’s Night’
- Review
- Theatre Kingston
Nicole is overworked, underpaid, and at her wits end when she has to meet with two parents of students in her grade three class. Enter John, a worried upper middle class father recently separated from his wife and is concerned about his son’s grades, and Rosie, a mother working multiple jobs to support her husband who struggles with drug addiction and her daughter. Chaos quickly unfolds as the parents panic […]

‘Big Ticket’ Brings Laughs and Refuses to Tow the Line
- Review
- Theatre Kingston
After having her car towed for the fifth time, Annie (Susan Del Mei) decides not only to get her car back, but to personally change the system and avoid future incidents. Caught in Annie’s crusade is gauche tow truck driver, David (Reece Presley), who is just doing his job, which he describes as fulfilling “…penalties for citizen misconduct.” Theatre Kingston presents Jim Garrard’s Big Ticket in the Baby Grand as […]