Articles by Hilary

Two Men on a Park Bench… David Mamet’s ‘The Duck Variations’
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
- Theatre Kingston
- TK Fringe
Who knew that ducks, friendship, and existentialism could coincide into a single theatre performance? These elements came together in a heartfelt conversation between two men in a recent performance of The Duck Variations. bEST Theatre Company’s The Duck Variations that played at the Grand Theatre as a part of the Kingston Fringe, produced by the Kick & Push Festival, was an existential and meandering conversation between two men on a […]

‘Sailing to the Moon,’ Contemplating the Monastery
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
- Theatre Kingston
- TK Fringe
“What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves?”- Thomas Merton Presented at Theatre Kingston’s Fringe Festival, Color and Light’s Sailing to the Moon follows a young, wandering man named Tom (Thomas Cherney) who is trying to understand the value in pursuing monastic life in a forest. Injuring his foot on his journey to the monastery, […]
2 Shows, 7 Doors, and a Monkey: ‘Kong’s Night Out’ at the Domino
- Domino Theatre
- Review
If you didn’t catch it at The Grand Theatre, the recent run of Kong’s Night Out showed that a lot can happen in a hotel room in New York City on the eve of a Broadway performance. This Domino Theatre production utilized a fixed set, and used this constraint as a method to explore complex narrative structures. The performance gave form to the world of Broadway in the 1930s and […]

‘In Eulogy’- Francisco Corbett at the Skeleton Park Arts Festival
- Artist
- Review
- Skeleton Park Arts Festival
Drawing inspiration from artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat and situations of action painting, Corbett’s gestural method was engaging to watch and experience as an audience member. By loosening the boundaries that often exist between mediums in art, the performance invited the audience to think of the crossovers that can happen when mediums collide.

Political Agency in the Digital Realm: the Case of VR
- Festival
- Review
- Spiderwebshow
The performance of You Should Have Stayed Home, directed by Michael Wheeler, was a component of the Festival of Live Digital Art (FoLDA) and as a work it explores the tensions and political possibilities inherent in virtual reality.