Articles by Jordan

Aaron Collier’s Frequencies creates a stunning combination of autobiography and techno music
- Festival
- Review
- Spiderwebshow
Described as a part-techno concert and part autobiographical, the musical innovatively tells the entertaining and captivating story of Collier’s life, starting at the beginning of the universe.

Virtual Connectedness and Pandemic Dreaming at Cabin Fever PROTOTYPE
- Festival
- Review
- Spiderwebshow
In the first few months of the pandemic, virtual activities were beyond popular. From Zoom drinks to Club Quarantine to the rise of TikTok, people around the globe were craving a sense of togetherness that the pandemic was devoid of. Cabin Fever PROTOTYPE seeks to address this phenomenon: can virtual events create a sense of togetherness and unity?

New Canadian Musical LANCASHIRE LASS Explores British History Through A Soaring Score
- Festival
- Queen's University
- Review
- Watershed Festival
like a surprising combination to some. On May 27, the Watershed Festival presented award-winning composer and DAN School of Drama and Music’s artist-in-residence Leslie Arden’s latest commission The Lancashire Lass, a full-length musical that will receive its premiere at next year’s festival.

Single Thread’s Collider: Immersive VR Suggests the Possibilities of Theatre
- Review
- Single Thread Theatre Co
In a moment where Zoom meetings, doom-scrolling, and our digital worlds seem repetitive as ever, Single Thread Theatre Company’s production of Collider presents a profoundly innovative way to bring digital theatre to Canadian audiences.

SLC Digital Debris Fest 2: Digital Creativity in Its Finest Form
- Festival
- Review
- St. Lawrence College
Digital Debris Fest 2, a digital showcase of their year’s work. The digital event featured 15 different artistic iterations that seamlessly incorporated music, digital media, videography, calligraphy, revealing the true interdisciplinary talents of the students.

Aitch Arr: Queen’s Students Present Innovative and Entertaining Opera Digitally
- Interview
- Queen's University
When we imagine opera, we think of majestic, luxurious theatres revolving around an artistic tradition that has spanned since the 16th Century. Rarely would we imagine opera to present itself as five-minute iterations presented digitally. Yet, on March 16th, the Musical Theatre Ensemble at Queen’s University, a course facilitated through the Dan School of Drama and Music, digitally presented Aitch Arr, a mini-opera created by Afarin Mansouri and Donna-Michelle St. […]

Calling All Kingston Artists! A Primer on Kingston Arts Grants
- Industry
- News
For arts professionals in Kingston, a silver lining might be slowly beginning to appear. On January 28, 2021, Kingston Mayor Bryan Paterson passed a motion that allocated an additional $200,000 towards artists and arts non-profits in Kingston, directly related to the impact that COVID-19 has brought forth on Kingston’s arts sector.

DSS: Jigsaw; Hilarity, Sombreness and Curiosity Unfolds Virtually
- DAN Studio Series
- Queen's University
- Review
On March 3rd, the Dan Studio Series produced its winter installment, DSS: Jigsaw. There were clear aspects that DSS was able to innovate and progress upon based on the ubiquitous learning curve that creatives faced while adapting to a virtual environment last semester.

John & Waleed Delightfully Break Down Cultural Barriers Through Music
- Grand ONStage
- Review
towards cultures outside our own. Live-streamed from Toronto’s Theatre Passe Muraille, the production was digitally co-presented by the Grand Onstage. Resembling more of a cabaret than a theatrical play, the performance shifts between musical numbers and anecdotes from the two performers.

Kingston Thespians Miraculously Unite for City of Wine Readings
- City of Wine
- News
When Ontario went into a full lockdown in late December, the prospect of theatre, even digital, seemed far-fetched. Yet, in the midst of uncertainty and anxiety from the lockdown, something beautiful happened for Kingston’s small, but mighty theatre community.

Queen’s Players Goes Virtual!
- Queen's Players
- Queen's University
- Review
What do famed Canadian comedians Lorne Greene, Robertson Davies and eleven current Queen’s students all have in common? Queen’s Players! The oldest club at Queen’s University, dating back to 1900, Players describe themselves as “a cross between Saturday Night Live, a rock concert, and a kegger.” In a non-COVID world, Players would consist of crowded performances at The Mansion full of flowing pitchers and Players singing along to pop hits […]

Musical Theatre Training on Zoom? SLC’s Chad McNamara says yes!
- Industry
- News
- St. Lawrence College
This is the second of a three part series on Kingston (and surrounding areas) Theatre during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to view the first piece on Kirsi Hunnakko, and follow the Kingston Theatre Alliance on Facebook to receive updates as we continue the series. Chad McNamara, an accomplished Canadian triple threat performer, has a unique role with St Lawrence College’s Musical Theatre program. As Placement Coordinator, he is responsible […]