Photo of Holly Hebert

Holly Hebert

Current Contributor

Holly (she/her) is a theatre artist with a passion for analyzing theatre in order to see it grow. She has previously written for, Intermission Magazine, and has been a participant in two installments of the New Young Reviewers program with Toronto Fringe. Being Kingston-raised, Holly loves the opportunity to engage with the theatre community in the city. If you have any questions or comments about the blog, email Photography by David Chang.

Articles by Holly

2024 FOLDA logo. Text includes: "FOLDA Festival of Live Digital Art".

Kingston’s Annual Digital Arts Fest: Live in Two Days

  • Interview

Kingston’s annual Festival of Live Digital Arts (FOLDA) is once again on the horizon (and no, that is not a pun directed at HORIZON 360°—a film in this year’s lineup). As a hectic week is underway for the team and busy schedules abound in summer months, I conducted an eight-question email interview with Co-Curator Michael Wheeler about an intensive run alongside FOLDA in partnership with Ingenuity Labs: The StartUp. This […]

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Blue Canoe Productions' 'Rent'. The title and presenting companies are noted. There is an animation of a brick wall with four different coloured windows and shadows inside them.

Tangoing with ‘Rent’

  • Blue Canoe Productions
  • Juvenis Festival
  • Review

A group of young artists puts on a musical about young artists in a festival for young artists. Blue Canoe Productions and the 2024 Juvenis Festival present Rent, directed by Dylan Chenier.  Jonathan Larson’s Rent, loosely based on Giacomo Puccini’s La Bohème, tells the story of young artists as they traverse through gentrification, love, and the HIV and AIDS epidemic present in the 80s and 90s. With New York City […]

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Poster for 'Unknown Caller'. The playwright and director is noted.

No Connection is Too Fleeting: Shay O’Brien on ‘Unknown Caller’

  • Artist
  • Blue Canoe Productions
  • Interview
  • Juvenis Festival

Kingston’s annual Juvenis Festival run by Blue Canoe Productions is underway and this year’s lineup of shows includes the premiere of Shay O’Brien’s Unknown Caller. The fourth year Queen’s University student has not only written the hour-long piece but is directing the show as well. After reading its mysterious description, my attention piqued and once I was put in contact with O’Brien, an interview was born. I hopped on Zoom […]

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Image that reads, "Queen's Students on Theatre Criticism" with small drawn images or writing utensils, a typewriter, and letters.

“Good Bad Reviews and Bad Bad Reviews”: Queen’s Students on Theatre Criticism

  • DAN Studio Series
  • Interview
  • Queen's University

When it comes to theatre criticism, there are dozens of different opinions about its pros and cons. Of course readers have their valued takes but if there’s ever a disconnect that draws a line, it’s usually between the folks writing and publishing a review, and the folks involved in the production. Recently, the Kingston Theatre Alliance (KTA) received an email about a review and subsequent editor’s article, both written by […]

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A large "k" appears on the left in green and purple. Next to it reads "Kingston Theatre Alliance"

Open Letter

  • Industry
  • Kingston Theatre Alliance
  • News

The KTA would like to release an open letter to discuss our goals for the performance blog.  The blog is a space for reviews, interviews, and opinion pieces surrounding the arts that we hope will engage with the community of Kingston. We strive to spark dialogue that can enrich theatre and provoke valuable conversation. Theatre is—and should be— constantly growing. It is a passion of ours to communicate about the […]

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