Bottle Tree Productions Archive

Poster for 'Dressing Amelia'. A woman stands against a blue background holding a jar. The title, playwright, director, ticket price, dates, and presenting company are noted.

Unpacking Loss with ‘Dressing Amelia’

  • Bottle Tree Productions
  • Review

On the day of her mother’s wake, Amelia finds herself at a loss for what to wear. It doesn’t help that her dead mum keeps appearing in her childhood bedroom, all smiles and chatter.  Written by Chloe Whitehorn and directed by Will Britton, Dressing Amelia unpacks mother-daughter baggage through quippy digs, impassioned speeches, and the ever-tantalizing promise that dirty laundry will be aired. A little bit soap opera, a little […]

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Poster for Bottle Tree Productions' production of 'The Witch and the Glitch'. The title, playwright/lyricist, composer, dates, location, and ticket prices are noted. A witch appears the has been photoshopped to look very jagged.

Bubbly Chemistry at Bottle Tree Productions’ ‘The Witch and The Glitch’

  • Bottle Tree Productions
  • Review

In the afterglow of Valentine’s Day, Bottle Tree Productions presents a potent potion for theatre lovers: The Witch and The Glitch. With a bubbly cast, spellbinding physical comedy, and lighthearted songs, The Witch and The Glitch provides a much-needed remedy to the doldrums of winter. This musical fable for grown-ups features a book and lyrics by Gord Love, who directs the show, and music by Michael Capon, who serves as […]

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Poster for Bottle Tree Productions' 'Surely, Sherlock'. Text reads: "Bottle Tree Productions Surely, Sherlock Starring all of your favourite sleuths aboard The Disoriented Express! Book by Anne Marie Mortensen & Daniel Smith Music and Lyrics by Michael Capon"

A Witty Mystery: ‘Surely, Sherlock’

  • Bottle Tree Productions
  • Festival
  • Kick & Push Festival
  • Kingston Theatre Alliance
  • Review
  • Theatre Kingston
  • TK Fringe

Who committed the crimes? No one knows. Welcome to the Disoriented Express. Surely, Sherlock is a witty musical written by Ann Marie Mortensen and Daniel Smith with lyrics and music by Michael Capon. The musical is a parody of the 2017 hit movie, Murder on The Orient Express, and is being performed at the Baby Grand Theatre in the 2023 Kingston Fringe Festival as part of the 2023 Kick and […]

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Poster for 'A Stitch' by Eirik Rutherford. A wolf is pictured on the poster.

Comically Intriguing: ‘A Stitch’

  • Bottle Tree Productions
  • Review

Sewing together tumult and tenderness, A Stitch follows Sandra and her husband Roy, who suffers from dementia. The show begins when their morning is disrupted by a criminal on the loose, Jean, who breaks into their house to escape the police, and begins holding them hostage. The show shines in portraying Roy’s (Jason Bowen) dementia. He delivers his lines exceptionally—the short pauses to think and the stuttering sold his character. […]

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A drawing on the left of three sitting in a building under construction, doing work on it with the words 'mere mortals' displayed. A middle drawing of a man and woman holding hands and sitting on a lily pad with the wording 'time flies' displayed. A drawing on the right of a man walking down the street. He passes a mirror and the reflection is of a similarly dressed, similar looking man who isn't quite the same. The wording 'degas, c'est moi' is displayed. Above the three drawings, 'Time Flies: An Evening of Ives October 13 - 30 The Bottle Tree Studio Series' is displayed.

‘Time Flies’ will make you wish Time Stood Still

  • Bottle Tree Productions
  • Review

Effortlessly effervescent and fantastically funny, Time Flies, an Evening with Ives had me stifling my laughter from beginning to end. In the small—but effective—studio of Bottle Tree Productions, I was so pleased to be in such an intimate setting for this performance and at a run time of only one hour, I was desperate for more.  The performance consists of three vignettes and two transitional monologues (performed by Kyla Todd). […]

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From Young Artists to Young Audiences—Once Upon a Time: A Play with Music

  • Bottle Tree Productions
  • Festival
  • Kick & Push Festival
  • Kingston Theatre Alliance
  • Review
  • Theatre Kingston
  • TK Fringe

While the show is clearly intended for a younger audience, there is an undeniable charm in Anne Marie Mortensen’s writing and the performances from the teenage actors. 

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