Queen’s Theatre Troupe Archive

Elsa McKnight Gets Experimental
- Artist
- Interview
- Queen's Theatre Troupe
“Everything is useful. Everything is worth studying.” When I met with Elsa McKnight to discuss EXPERIMENT 1a, I was slightly surprised by her cheerful demeanour. While the show’s marketing has a rather ominous tone—with black-and-red posters that read “Tabula Rasa Laboratory: We Are Always Watching” and Instagram posts with captions like “lean into the uncertainty” and “have you given up on society?”—its creator is warm and chatty, with a distinct […]

Modern Drawing Room Drama and Feminine Ennui in Queen’s Theatre Troupe’s ‘Hedda Gabler’
- Queen's Theatre Troupe
- Review
Depicting the titular woman’s dissatisfaction with her recent marriage and position in life, the famous Hedda Gabler, written by renowned playwright Henrik Ibsen, was published in 1890 and first staged in 1891. Hedda (Rachel Fenos) has married George Tesman (Aaron Alum), an academic devoted to his work, who is blissfully ignorant of her real feelings about their union. The one-room drama follows her interactions with friends and neighbours as she […]

The Tea About Ernest and Ernestine
- Queen's Theatre Troupe
- Review
From the moment I walked in the room, my heart started doing little flips. Everything is pink. Pink chairs, pink table, pink carpet, pink coat rack, the list goes on. Within the walls of Theological Hall’s Room 106, Queens Theatre Troupe (QTT) has set the stage for their second-ever production: The Anger in Ernest and Ernestine by Robert Morgan, Leah Cherniak, and Martha Ross, and directed by Victoria J Marmulak. […]

“I’m Finally Doing What I’ve Always Wanted to Do”: an ‘Ernest’ Conversation with Victoria J Marmulak
- Artist
- Interview
- Queen's Theatre Troupe
After a dreamy debut last fall, Queens Theatre Troupe (QTT) has announced their sophomore play: The Anger in Ernest and Ernestine. Founded in spring 2023 by a group of five Queen’s students, the education-focused club is dedicated to creating space for exploration through ambitious productions of published plays. Amidst a busy rehearsal schedule, Ernest director and QTT board member Victoria J Marmulak was gracious enough to make time for a […]

Don’t Sleep on Queens Theatre Troupe’s ‘Life Is A Dream’
- Queen's Theatre Troupe
- Queen's University
- Review
Segismund (Trevor Procyk) has spent his entire life imprisoned in a cell by his father, King Basilius (Emma Smyth). Now, Basilius has decided to let him live in the palace as a prince—but if anything goes wrong, Segismund will be sent back to his cell and told that it was all a dream. Trippy, right? Life Is A Dream (Spanish: La vida es sueño) is a play from the Spanish […]