City of Wine Archive

Spectacular on Many Levels: Grapevine Theatre’s ‘Harmonia’
- City of Wine
- Review
The perennial City of Wine offers its first full bloom with Harmonia, a tale of forbidden love between a goddess and a mortal. Harmonia is the first in the nine-play cycle by local playwright Ned Dickens, which the Grapevine Theatre Project plans to produce as a series over the next five years. After an enormous effort by a network of over 300 theatre lovers, Harmonia is the magnificent fruit of […]

An exercise in storytelling – SEVEN at City Park
- City of Wine
- Review
Working with little more than a shoestring and their lines in City Park, a collective of Kingston’s theatre community have brought their project to fruition after months of meeting, reading, and planning together in the virtual world forced upon us by the pandemic.

Kingston Thespians Miraculously Unite for City of Wine Readings
- City of Wine
- News
When Ontario went into a full lockdown in late December, the prospect of theatre, even digital, seemed far-fetched. Yet, in the midst of uncertainty and anxiety from the lockdown, something beautiful happened for Kingston’s small, but mighty theatre community.