News Archive

Calling All Kingston Artists! A Primer on Kingston Arts Grants
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For arts professionals in Kingston, a silver lining might be slowly beginning to appear. On January 28, 2021, Kingston Mayor Bryan Paterson passed a motion that allocated an additional $200,000 towards artists and arts non-profits in Kingston, directly related to the impact that COVID-19 has brought forth on Kingston’s arts sector.

Kingston Thespians Miraculously Unite for City of Wine Readings
- City of Wine
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When Ontario went into a full lockdown in late December, the prospect of theatre, even digital, seemed far-fetched. Yet, in the midst of uncertainty and anxiety from the lockdown, something beautiful happened for Kingston’s small, but mighty theatre community.

Musical Theatre Training on Zoom? SLC’s Chad McNamara says yes!
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- St. Lawrence College
This is the second of a three part series on Kingston (and surrounding areas) Theatre during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to view the first piece on Kirsi Hunnakko, and follow the Kingston Theatre Alliance on Facebook to receive updates as we continue the series. Chad McNamara, an accomplished Canadian triple threat performer, has a unique role with St Lawrence College’s Musical Theatre program. As Placement Coordinator, he is responsible […]

The Future of Kingston Theatre
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As the reality of the Second Wave of COVID-19 looms, another reality persists. What is the current state of our arts and creative industries?

A Statement on COVID-19
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In Kingston, most performances have either been cancelled or rescheduled, educational training programs have been restructured and venues have been closed until further notice. However, performers in Kingston are resilient and have adapted by moving performance and other content online.

JUST ANNOUNCED: Theatre Kingston’s 2018/19 Season
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- Theatre Kingston
Theatre Kingston has just announced their season for 2018/19! On the roster for this season are 2 plays: The Butcher by Nicolas Billon, and What a Young Wife Ought to Know by Hannah Moscovitch. Both playwrights are Canadian. The Butcher, playing in the Baby Grand Theatre from October 26 – November 11, explores themes pertaining to victimhood in an elusive judicial system. “A mysterious old man is dropped off at a police […]

In honour of Kim Renders I am no longer keeping quiet
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I feel very fortunate to have gotten to know Kim during my time studying at Queen’s University. I would like to share some of the memories that I have of her—not because I think my relationship with her was unique or special in any way, but exactly the opposite. The way she touched my life is so similar to how she touched the lives of many other students at Queen’s.