Kingston Theatre Alliance Archive

It’s a Superpower: ‘The ADHD Project’
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
- Theatre Kingston
- TK Fringe
Intimate and uplifting, The ADHD Project will captivate an audience as Comedian/Storyteller Carlyn Rhamey explores the ups and downs of living her life with ADHD. Through compelling storytelling, she recounts the moment she received her diagnosis, her challenges with bullying, and finally her acceptance of her newly embraced “superpower”. Before the show starts, instead of waiting offstage, Rhamey talks to the audience. She cracks jokes and welcomes the audience. I began seeing […]

Not Your Grandma’s Bingo Game: ‘RAPP BNGO’
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
- Theatre Kingston
- TK Fringe
There’s no “I” in RAPP BNGO. There are no prizes, no winners, and no losers. Instead, there’s DJ Seith and his record collection. Get ready for the mildest party of your life. RAPP BNGO takes hip hop and bingo and creates a mellow, stakes-free opportunity for people to hang out and listen to music. Each participant gets a bingo card full of words and phrases from rap lyrics (mine included […]

Bittersweet, ‘Birthmarks’
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
- Theatre Kingston
- TK Fringe
A tragic, humorous, and thought provoking play; gripping attention from the very beginning. Birthmarks is a bittersweet one woman show that follows Kate. As a young woman recounting her life, she is trying to move on from the sudden death of her infant child while also coming to terms with her mother’s place in her life after abandoning her as a kid. Alex Boese is fantastic as the one and […]

Sweet and Chill: ‘Blueberry Fever’
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
- Theatre Kingston
- TK Fringe
Life is rife with heartache, but Blueberry Fever is ripe with humour. Created by Karina Milech and Ben Jensen-Reid, this contemporary show about nothing follows a small group of friends as they navigate adulthood in Toronto. The play opens with a montage of scenes set to a song—it’s bass-heavy and sexy, with a silky alto voice carrying the melody. It feels like a sitcom intro—one I wouldn’t ever want to […]

Driftwood Theatre’s Love Letter to Shakespeare
- Driftwood Theatre
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
In Living With Shakespeare, Jeremy Smith takes a personal approach to a playwright who has loomed over his career for the past thirty-odd years. Beginning as “a shy kid from Nowhere, Ontario” and eventually becoming the artistic director of Driftwood Theatre, Smith recounts the rain storms, lullabies, motorcycle rides, and missed family gatherings that have shaped his Bard-imbued life. The script, written by Smith and director Steven Gallagher, incorporates beloved […]

A Witty Mystery: ‘Surely, Sherlock’
- Bottle Tree Productions
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
- Theatre Kingston
- TK Fringe
Who committed the crimes? No one knows. Welcome to the Disoriented Express. Surely, Sherlock is a witty musical written by Ann Marie Mortensen and Daniel Smith with lyrics and music by Michael Capon. The musical is a parody of the 2017 hit movie, Murder on The Orient Express, and is being performed at the Baby Grand Theatre in the 2023 Kingston Fringe Festival as part of the 2023 Kick and […]

A Muffin You Can’t Refuse: ‘Sometimes I Love You, Always’
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
- Theatre Kingston
- TK Fringe
One rainy night, 70-year-old Mary Louise (Janet-Laine Green) invites an Internet friend (Booth Savage) over for coffee. (You can tell they’re in their 70s because they say “Internet friend”.) She wastes no time stripping him of his wet clothes, dressing him in her husband’s hand-me-downs, and interrogating him within an inch of his life. In the time it takes for his things to dry, the situation goes from weird to […]

A Mesmerizing Memoir: ‘Menno-Morphosis’
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
- Theatre Kingston
- TK Fringe
So, you’re 50 years old and sobbing under a desk at work. Where do you go from here? If you’re Sandra Banman, you’ll crawl out and craft a beautiful memoir. Presented with gentle wit and a generous spirit, Menno-Morphosis is a one-woman show written and performed by Banman and directed by Catherine Hume. It takes a lot to grow up and out of a strict Mennonite family in Manitoba. Banman […]

There’s Magic in Store with ‘Here There Be Monsters’
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
Kingston’s underground world of goblins and ghouls is home to more monsters than usual this week. Descend into the Kingston Gaming Nexus, if you dare, and follow the eerie carnival noises through a maze of board games to the back of the basement store. Here, you’ll find an unusual sight: Eldritch Theatre has set up shop, and Doctor Pretorious Wuthergloom (Eric Woolfe) is prepared to entertain and educate the masses […]

No One’s Home? ‘Outheis’ on the Streets of Kingston
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
If you saw a man with a bandaged head carrying a CD player as he dashed down Princess Street this week, don’t worry—it was no one. By no one, I mean it was Outheis. From Barrie, Ontario, Talk Is Free Theatre (TIFT) presents Outheis, a multi-site immersive theatre experience at the Kingston Grand Theatre. Conceived and directed by Griffin Hewitt, this show features captivating performances by Troy Adams, Taylor Garwood, […]

Thinking Outside the Panel: ‘Pandora in the Box’
- Festival
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Review
The Kick & Push Festival opens on a hopeful note with Pandora in the Box at the Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning. Transforming the Tett’s Rehearsal Hall into a maze of giant comic panels, this immersive work by cartoonist Lorena Torres Loaiza revisits the story of Pandora from Greek mythology to explore the nature of hope. Through a blend of real-world and virtual spaces, Pandora in the Box follows […]

Alex Boese and Michael Catlin Talk ‘Birthmarks’
- Artist
- Festival
- Interview
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Theatre Kingston
- TK Fringe
Recently, I had a chance to sit down with performer Alex Boese and director Michael Catlin to chat about their upcoming play Birthmarks, which will be playing at Kingston Fringe. The play was written by Canadian playwright Alexandria Haber and follows Alex’s character, Kate. Birthmarks follows Kate as she tries to get over a tragic loss in her life while also trying to reconcile the relationship with her mother whom […]