News & Reviews Archive

Kingston Thespians Miraculously Unite for City of Wine Readings

  • City of Wine
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When Ontario went into a full lockdown in late December, the prospect of theatre, even digital, seemed far-fetched. Yet, in the midst of uncertainty and anxiety from the lockdown, something beautiful happened for Kingston’s small, but mighty theatre community. 

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Queen’s Players Goes Virtual!

  • Queen's Players
  • Queen's University
  • Review

What do famed Canadian comedians Lorne Greene, Robertson Davies and eleven current Queen’s students all have in common? Queen’s Players!   The oldest club at Queen’s University, dating back to 1900, Players describe themselves as “a cross between Saturday Night Live, a rock concert, and a kegger.”  In a non-COVID world, Players would consist of crowded performances at The Mansion full of flowing pitchers and Players singing along to pop hits […]

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Expressions of the electric – Digital Debris Festival 2020

  • Festival
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  • St. Lawrence College

semester showcase illustrating what exactly the students are interested and capable of creating. The works we witness have been made by artists who are unseen outside of their work.

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Musical Theatre Training on Zoom? SLC’s Chad McNamara says yes!

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  • St. Lawrence College

This is the second of a three part series on Kingston (and surrounding areas) Theatre during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to view the first piece on Kirsi Hunnakko, and follow the Kingston Theatre Alliance on Facebook to receive updates as we continue the series. Chad McNamara, an accomplished Canadian triple threat performer, has a unique role with St Lawrence College’s Musical Theatre program. As Placement Coordinator, he is responsible […]

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Voulez-Zoom brings the Dance Party of Mamma Mia to Zoom

  • Blue Canoe Productions
  • Queen's Musical Theatre
  • Review

r escapism, which frankly, seems like a necessity in 2020. However, I have yet to experience a production that feels as escapist as Blue Canoe’s Voulez-Zoom. Running just over an hour, this feel-good, dance party-esque show lured me into the fun and joy that is Mamma Mia. 

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Audience Plays Role of Detective in 6AM’s A Very Merry Mystery

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of A Very Merry Mystery, audiences are given the unique opportunity to play the role of detective in this part-theatre, part-whodunit performance.

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Theatre as Education: Chemical Valley Project Seeks To Inform Audiences Over Atrocities of Chemical Valley

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On November 13th, I had the unique privilege of virtually attending a digital live-stream of The Chemical Valley Project, a production featuring a unique mix of projection design, object puppetry and solo-performance. This show first premiered in 2017 at the Art in Solidarity: Performance in Protest in Toronto, Ontario. Since its original premiere, the show has toured across Ontario, BC, and even in Germany in 2018. The production was performed […]

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DSS: Remote Reveries Creates Innovative and Daring Theatre (Virtually) !

  • DAN Studio Series
  • Queen's University
  • Review

DSS, a long-running staple of the Queen’s University theatre scene, is a collection of short plays entirely written, directed and performed by Queen’s Students. I had an inkling that the theatre group that was already known for their innovative and boundary-pushing theatre in a pre-COVID world would be able to adapt to these unimaginable circumstances in inventive ways. Not only did they achieve this, but they were able to exceed all expectations.

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KTA Takes on The Shortwave Theatre Festival

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  • Shortwave Radio Theatre Festival

rom November 1st to November 7th, I had the privilege of attending the Shortwave Theatre Festival, a festival of radio dramas presented by CFRC. While the festival featured six different radio plays, I had the opportunity to listen to and review three.

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Old form, new frontiers – The Soundcastle at the Shortwave Radio Theatre Festival

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  • Shortwave Radio Theatre Festival

In her new radio play The Soundcastle, Sarah Emtage explores what happens if a tree falls in a forest and somewhere, rather than someone, is around to hear it.

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Blue Canoe’s Last 5 Years Explores The Universality Of Relationships

  • Blue Canoe Productions
  • Review

Similar to all theatre productions in 2020, Blue Canoe’s The Last 5 Years was originally slated for the Juvenis Festival in May of 2020 and cancelled as a result of the pandemic.

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The Future of Kingston Theatre

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  • Interview
  • News

As the reality of the Second Wave of COVID-19 looms, another reality persists. What is the current state of our arts and creative industries?

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