Artist Archive
5 Q’s with Jill Glatt
- Artist
- Interview
5 Q’s, 5 Femmes is a short series facilitated by writer Kemi King, interviewing five femme identifying artists; getting to know a little bit about them and their craft. This interview is with Jill Glatt, a Katarokwi/Kingston-based illustrator, printmaker, arts educator, and French teacher with the Limestone District School Board. She has developed and delivered programming for the Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning, Kingston Arts Council, Centre Culturel Frontenac, […]
De-extinction and Puppetry: Speaking with Seymour Irons
- Artist
- Festival
- Interview
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
Return of the Megafauna created by Bad New Days is a physical theatre piece that was a part of the 2022 Kick and Push festival. The piece is contextualized through the company’s understanding of post-humanism and de-extinction, where the images of the future are utopic rather than dystopian. De-extinction is defined as the process of generating an organism that either resembles or is an extinct species. I encountered the piece […]
Making a Fairy Tale with Jesse H. Wabegijig
- Artist
- Indigenous Theatre
- Interview
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
Jesse H. Wabegijig is one of the artists for the 2022 Kick & Push Indigenous residency. They spent the residency working on their new play, where Jesse was able to put together an installation that went up in the Tett Centre for creativity and learning. On the opening night of the installation I got the chance to speak to them about the time in the residency, and to hear a […]
Drag, Drinks, and Dare (de LaFemme)
- Artist
- Review
If you’re like me, you’ve never been to a variety show, but what I’ve learned is that they’re really just talent shows for grownups. But unlike the ones from grade school, these acts are polished, professional, and perhaps… a little promiscuous. I was able to catch drag artist Dare de LaFemme’s third and most recent show in Gananoque at the Royal Theatre Thousand Islands on July 2nd. The evening was […]
‘In Eulogy’- Francisco Corbett at the Skeleton Park Arts Festival
- Artist
- Review
- Skeleton Park Arts Festival
Drawing inspiration from artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat and situations of action painting, Corbett’s gestural method was engaging to watch and experience as an audience member. By loosening the boundaries that often exist between mediums in art, the performance invited the audience to think of the crossovers that can happen when mediums collide.
In conversation with Mariah Horner: SPAF, Neighbourhood, and the Macarena
- Artist
- Festival
- Interview
- Skeleton Park Arts Festival
“If I hear another friggin’ theatre thing where someone tells me that we’re all family, I will just run, turn the other way and run. The interesting thing: I was not met with that kind of language with SPAF, but I was definitely met with the actual feeling of being a part of the family. The amount of people that lived around the park that actually offered me their actual bed to rest in during the festival, or their bathroom to use, or food to make like—I have never been a part of an arts event, a theatre event, that extended that kind of awareness of neighborhood.”
In conversation with Clayton Lee and Michael Rubenfeld from ‘Ways of Being’
- Artist
- Festival
- Interview
- Kick & Push Festival
- Kingston Theatre Alliance
- Spiderwebshow
Ways of Being was an interactive performance for two different groups of audience, in two different cities simultaneously. Returning to Kingston as a part of FOLDA 2022, the work transformed me into both the performer and audience, spectator and entertainer. And as someone interested in the human condition, Ways of Being gave me the space to explore and understand, “How do we become the people we are at any given moment? […]
21 Questions With Paul Smith
- Artist
- Interview
If you’ve ever awkwardly stood by one of your friends as they catch up with someone you don’t know, you should keep reading. And if you don’t know Paul Smith, you definitely know someone who does.
Kingston Isn’t Boring Anymore And You Can Thank Francisco Corbett
- Artist
- Interview
If you’ve been paying attention, the name Francisco Corbett should not be new on your tongue. You may think I’m confusing him for a ‘franciscocorbn’, but that’s actually just his Instagram handle. Rookie mistake.
Art and Activism: An Interview with Jane Kirby
- Artist
- Interview
ane Kirby had recently graduated with a Masters in International Development when she was beginning to feel burnt out from working in non-profits and social justice organizations. At first, circus was a fun escape—but now, she reflects upon how her background in activism bleeds into her work as a circus artist.